Vienna Social Housing Field Study Curriculum Topics
History of Social Housing – Vienna (Wein), 1917-2023

Photo credit: © XYZ

Urban Planning / Urban Design
How did/does Vienna plan for new urban areas? Visit large-scale residential developments in Vienna and speak with City planners to learn what goes into developing new social housing communities.
The Vienna Land Procurement and Urban Renewal Fund (Wohnfonds Wien)

New Construction Technologies
Creating Permanent Affordability for All

Developer Competitions
Housing Subsidies in Vienna
Social housing is prioritized in Austria, funded by income tax, corporate tax, and a housing-specific contribution made by all employed citizens. How much does this system cost? Is it more or less expensive than the US affordable housing sector? Learn about how public funds for social housing in Vienna are raised and how public sector investments in Vienna are implemented and measured.

Fair Housing
Smart Cities Energy Lab

Transit Oriented Urban Development
Alternate Ownership Models (Baugruppe)
A cross between co-housing and a condo, the Baugruppe collective ownership model has become a part of Vienna’s housing landscape. Visit one of Vienna’s self-developed communities to learn how the architecture, planning, and financing were put together and how these unique housing models are experienced by residents.

Wie Wohnen Wir Morgen? How Will We Live Tomorrow?